Tomas Gomez Membreño ha sido liberado pero Berta Caceres, Coordinadora General de COPINH, sigue detenida. Su caso ahora esta en las manos del Fiscal de Turno y el Juez de Turno. Berta Caceres tiene medidas cautelares ordenadas por la Corte Interamericana de Derechos Humanos, que responsabiliza al estado de Honduras de protegerla. Se necesita llamadas urgentes ahora para presionar a:
*Fiscal Nery Betancourt, Fiscal de Turno: 9914-3474.
*Juez de Turno en el Juzgado de Letras, Jose Francisco Piñeda Ayala: 2643-2927
*Ministerio Publico de Santa Barbara, ya tiene el caso de Berta: 2643-2350
*Ministra de Secretaría de Justicia y Derechos Humanos de Honduras, Ana Pineda: 99826801
*Vice Ministra de Seguridad, Marcela Castañeda: 94507028
Tomas Gomez Membreño has been freed but Berta Caceres, General Coordinator of COPINH, is still being detained. The lawyer has filed paperwork with the Fiscalia in Santa Barbara requesting Berta´s freedom. The case is now in the hands of the Fiscalia in Santa Barbara (similar to a District Attorneys office) and the Judge on Duty. Berta has precautionary measures (medidas cautelares) ordered by the Inter-American Human Rights Court, so remind the Judge and the Fiscal of that. Calls are now needed to pressure for Berta´s release to the following officials:
*Fiscal Nery Betancourt, he is the Fiscal currently on Duty. His cell phone is 011-504- 9914-3474.
*Judge on Duty: Jose Francisco Piñeda Ayala: 011-504- 2643-2927
*Ministerio Publico (Public Prosecutors Office) which also now has Berta´s case. The office number is 011-504-2643-2350.
Tomas Gomez Membreño has been freed but Berta Caceres, General Coordinator of COPINH, is still being detained. The lawyer has filed paperwork with the Fiscalia in Santa Barbara requesting Berta´s freedom. The case is now in the hands of the Fiscalia in Santa Barbara (similar to a District Attorneys office) and the Judge on Duty. Berta has precautionary measures (medidas cautelares) ordered by the Inter-American Human Rights Court, so remind the Judge and the Fiscal of that. Calls are now needed to pressure for Berta´s release to the following officials:
*Fiscal Nery Betancourt, he is the Fiscal currently on Duty. His cell phone is 011-504- 9914-3474.
*Judge on Duty: Jose Francisco Piñeda Ayala: 011-504- 2643-2927
*Ministerio Publico (Public Prosecutors Office) which also now has Berta´s case. The office number is 011-504-2643-2350.