martes, 8 de octubre de 2013

End persecution of Honduran indigenous leaders

War on Want has written to the Honduran government in solidarity with the human rights defenders Berta Cáceres Flores, Aureliano Molina Villanueva and Tomas Gomez Membreño, leaders of the Civic Council of Popular and Indigenous Organisations (Consejo Cívico de Organizaciones Populares e Indígenas de Honduras- COPINH). According to Amnesty International, the three leaders are being criminalised because of their role defending the human rights of the Lenca indigenous population and are facing unfounded criminal charges. 
The joint letter was also signed by the Central America Women’s Network (CAWN),Front Line Defenders and Women in Development Europe (WIDE Plus). Please feel free to use it to urge the Honduran government to take immediate measures to resolve this grave situation and ensure that these human rights defenders can continue their vital work. leer todo>>>